Show Your Dimensions, LLC. is a Flat-Vending Fundraising Company that partners with official, 501(c)(3), non-profit organizations.
We offer passive, no hassle fundraising opportunities for non-profit organizations using sticker and temporary tattoo vending machines. We install, load, and maintain machines giving non-profits the ability to focus their attention on other areas of their organizations. Non-profit organizations then keep a percentage of the machine earnings. We also offer promotional products for companies looking to promote their business. MY ORGANIZATION IS READY TO BEGIN
How it works:
Show Your Dimensions, LLC identifies locations where owners/managers are willing to host a 4 ft x 2 ft vending machine that supports an official non-profit organization (terms outlined in a contract with the location/business owner). The machine remains on site and our contract is with the manager or owner of that site. Each quarter the non-profit receives a check reflecting a percentage of what the machine makes. Site Selection:
Site selection is based on locations within the same vicinity as our partnering non-profit organizations. We look for sites that receive significant foot traffic from kids and/or adults. We coordinate with location owners/managers on behalf-of the the non-profit and confirm they are on board with the fundraising program AND hosting a vending machine. Show Your Dimensions, LLC then draws up contracts with owners/managers who have agreed to the fundraising program. I'M READY TO BEGIN MY NO-HASSLE FUNDRAISING