Having a set of twins as your first children teaches you A LOT! It also keeps you pretty exhausted for the first few years! It's a wonder that I can remember any of those years! Here's a list of some of THE baby MUST HAVES based on my experience with three young children. I hope you find something here that makes your life a bit simpler!
Potty Covers - These are not flushable, but they are waterproof! At least they didn't use to be flushable. I don't recall seeing anything flushable when we were first in the market. It's a little bit of a hassle to pick these up after using them up without touching the dirty parts and get them into bathroom trash cans. The waterproof part is what I really appreciated AND the fact that they covered the entire front of the toilet so little pants and undies weren't mopping the nastiness off the front side of the commode.
Arm and Hammer Diaper Disposable Bags and Dispenser - This combo is clutch! Anything Arm and Hammer is typically pretty reliable in my book - it should be since it's been around since 1846! What to do with terrible smelling diapers while you're on the go? You know you've changed many a diaper in the car! This is a great place to put them while you're on the go or even when you're visiting friends who don't have a Diaper Genie. Shoot! There is a 6 year gap between our twins and our third, so the Diaper Genie was long gone and we didn't reinvest in one, so these bad boys are still being used in our house! Oh, you can even use them for that special time of the month!
Summer Infant Car Seat Vibrator and Music Player - My sister-in-law suggested this one!
Children's Books
Sometimes, we don't even realize what our dimensions & strengths are until we take time to develop them. Here are some of my favorite books in my library that I recommend you check out. Let's develop our dimensions so we can soar higher and higher.