Lindsay Hartig was a Cadet at the United States Military Academy when I was stationed there from 2004 to 2005. While there I volunteered as an OR (Officer Representative) for the Army Track and Field Team. I never worked with Lindsay directly, but our paths crossed for the first time in 2004. Fast forward to 2018. I was a vendor at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas on a cold day in February and in runs a woman dressed in full winter garb, who I think I recognize, but can't seem to place. "Allison! Allison!" She cries with the biggest smile on her face while I'm still trying to figure out who she is. Thank goodness she quickly broke it down for me! "All the Rowe siblings look so much alike! I knew you were Kirsten's sister as soon as I saw you!" Long story short, Lindsay and Kirsten were dear friends and classmates at the West Point Prep School and classmates from the Academy as well. I'm glad she said hi that day. We were able to link up for breakfast/lunch a couple of times before her family moved to Hawaii. . . what a neat lady. She has loads of energy, drive and passion. From cross country runner, to personal trainer, to fitness competitor, to fitness modeling, Lindsay is definitely living her dimensions and spreading the aloha! ![]() Ok, so you’re on a mission to spread the Aloha! What’s this all about? How does one go about spreading aloha? Aloha means LOVE... So I guess it resonates with me because I want to lean into my fitness as a career and share it with others in hopes that it will bring happiness, fulfillment and help people live their best life! Do you recall when your love for fitness first began? At 7 years old I rode my bike around the neighborhood all day long and my parents say I would host races against kids my age just to have a competition. I found running and soccer in middle/high school and stuck with Cross Country and Track & Field at West Point, which I attribute so much of my grassroots life style around fitness & health. What year did you graduate from The Military Academy and what events did you compete in while there? I graduated from (The West Point) Prep School in 2002 and from The United States Military Academy in 2006. I was better at the longer distances, so I always enjoyed Cross Country season the most, but I also participated in distances from the 800 m to 3200 m on the track. What makes this point in your life right now different from other times when you were doing some pretty neat things? I never leaned in... or as you coin it "lived my dimensions" after I left college, went into the Army, left the Army, started a family. I never really leaned in, I would say, until RIGHT NOW in life! How did you arrive at this RIGHT NOW point in your life? I had to live and try a lot of things to realize what I enjoyed and what I didn’t enjoy to arrive where I’m at. Right now, I just have a feeling of wholeness. It’s hard to explain, but after the birth of our 3rd child I just knew he completed us. I had a lot of work to do after his birth to get healthy, back on my feet! But right now, here in Hawaii, I have also felt connected to the outdoors and it has been elevating. I struggled finding a balance in my twenties and early thirties on how to "do me", but also have a career that highlighted my strengths and allowed me to have a family too. I should share that when I transitioned out of the Army I did start personal training right away in 2011. Can you tell me a little more about that? How did you decide on personal training? I love fitness! It was easy to lean into! But I did not see my potential then as an amateur bodybuilder, someone who could potentially break into the entertainment industry and if you would of asked me about fitness modeling I would of probably laughed out loud at you... since I had just dropped close to 70 lbs with my first pregnancy that year and the 2 pregnancies in my future were just as difficult on my body. Are you saying that you gained 70 lbs or you had to lose 70 lbs? Or had just lost 70 lbs? Yes! I gained close to 80 lbs with each pregnancy… I ate everything and was high risk due to fluid retention… I would drop some weight in the hospital during labor & delivery obviously, but for my 1st pregnancy I had to still lose 70 lbs! You asked, "How could I inspire others in the fitness industry, entertainment, be out front?" Was this a question you found yourself asking yourself during your personal training days? Did you ask yourself this question looking at your physical shape at that point? As if to ask, “How could I inspire others…” Kind of like a “who me???" question. Yes. Well, it is much easier to share now... What specifically is much easier to share now? My weight gain and weight loss journeys as a Personal Trainer. I will admit that, rather than going through the struggle of pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood. You’d rather go through pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood instead of what alternative? I'd rather go through pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood rather than going through the weight fluctuations. Although most days I feel like I am still in the trenches with a toddler in my house! But, there is no doubt in my mind that God brought me through that... gave me these 3 blessings to make me a stronger woman, mother and wife today... so that I could lean in... so that I could chase my dimensions now, so that I can show up and say with confidence that this is my time. So, I understand that you spent some time on the the set of Hawaii Five-0! How neat that you took the opportunity to "go out for" a role as an extra! From what I understand, shortly after to moved to Hawaii (summer of 2018) some friends mentioned it and took a chance. Talk about adding another dimension to your life - TV shows! What else have you been up to this year? Yes, I did three or four episodes and I did, I think, two episodes for Magnum P. I. I'll have to look at my Facebook feed. I think I posted the episodes, but off the top of my head I can't remember. What made this year a special one? This year, I was privileged to compete in the Ms. Health and Fitness 2019 be selected by Preview Models to walk in their October 26th runway production in Hollywood and look forward to debuting in my 3rd amateur bodybuilding show as a Women's Figure Competitor at the Shaun Ray Classic in Waikiki. I am all I am because of the Lord above and I continue to give him the glory for the strength and vessel he has placed me in... being a light but also doing this for my kids, showing them that you are never too old to chase your dreams especially on your 37th birthday... well, it all is worth it, right?!? Absolutely! What an example you're setting for them! They are so cute by the way...LOVE your daughter's name, although I am partial to the traditional spelling ;-) Every competition has been more of a challenge for me... because each time I get on stage I want to beat myself from the last show. I am my only competition; me vs me... and so pushing myself to lean into the prep with workouts, nutrition and plenty of sleep to recover my muscles was tough. I am a Mom with a husband who has a demanding job!!! But the reward of training for this day is so much more than accomplishing a winning physique. It is in the journey, finding the discipline and the strength to not quit and to not give up... even though there were plenty times I wanted to! I find my faith strengthen, my love for training always increases and I form bonds with coaches and fellow competitors that last forever. I don't know when I will get back on stage again... I have plenty of areas to improve, to get to work on... so once they get better, I am sure the NPC will see me again. I really like your outlook about being your own competition! Sometimes I think people have a tendency to train hard for something and prepare solely to beat others in competition. It takes a completely different mindset to ditch that modus operandi and perform better than your previous best. Kind of like improving beyond your PR (personal record) in track and field! How gratifying is that?!? To be your own best competition! YES, YES, YES Exactly Allison! Of course, we should want to be strong competitors among other competitors, but to make catching up with or beating others our only focus is probably not optimal. I think it is hard in this area, because if I were to get first place, it’s because the girl who beat me just didn’t make it… ya know, there is always someone training harder, further along on her journey, but when you self reflect you will always win when you beat you! As we get older it’s, in my opinion, more important to do things that make us better than we were. It’s not like most of us are on teams like we were in high school or college when it was important to do better than our opponents. Right? Agree 100%! Your faith is clearly an important part of your life. How have you seen your walk with The Lord impact others? My walk has not been a perfect one, but I am so thankful for leaning in last year because without a doubt I was able to grow and lean on my faith to see me through the hard days, hours, moments. Thanks so much for letting me share Allison! Love what you are accomplishing, spearheading, trailblazing for us! We are all better together... hands down! ** Since the interview, Lindsay has competed in her 3rd NPC show on the figurestage and claimed 2nd place in both of her classes: Open Class C and Figures Masters Class C. Connect with Lindsay Find her on Facebook Fit For Life With Lindsay Find her on LinkedIn Who do you know who is living her dimensions?
Got someone in mind? Please send ideas to [email protected]
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